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FDIC-Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government


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Checking Accounts

*Effective as of 12/19/2024

AccountMin. Balance to obtain APY1Interest RateAPY2
Forcht Friend CheckingAny0.05%0.05%
Everyday Heroes CheckingAny0.05%0.05%
55 Advantage CheckingAny0.05%0.05%
1Minimum to obtain APY refers to the amount of the principal in the account each day. Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly or quarterly, based on account type.

2The interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) may be subject to change after account opening. 


Savings ACcounts

*Effective as of 12/19/2024

AccountMin. Balance to Obtain APY1Interest RateAPY2
Simple SavingsAny0.05%0.05%
Forcht Friend Savingsup to $9,999.990.05%0.05%
$10,000.00 & up0.10%0.10%
Performance Money Marketup to $9,999.990.05%0.05%
$10,000.00 - $49,999.990.10%0.10%
$50,000.00 - $99,999.990.10%0.10%
$100,000.00 & up0.15%0.15%
Forcht Reserve Money Marketup to $49,999.990.15%0.15%
$50,000 to $99,999.991.00%1.00%
$100,000 - $249,999.991.25%1.26%
> $250,0001.50%1.51%
Platinum Business Money Marketup to $99,999.990.15%0.15%
$100,000 - $249,999.991.25%1.26%
$250,000 - $499,999.991.50%1.51%
> $500,0001.75%1.76%
1Minimum balance to obtain APY refers to the amount of the principal in the account each day. Interest is compounded daily and paid monthly or quarterly, based on account type.

2The interest rate and Annual Percentage Yield (APY) may be subject to change after account opening. 


CD Rates

*Effective as of 12/19/2024

AccountMin. Deposit to OpenInterest RateAPY1
5 Month$1,000.004.17%4.25%
1Annual Percentage Yield (APY) is accurate as of 12/19/2024. The minimum deposit to open the account is $1,000. The minimum balance to obtain the APY is $1,000. A penalty will be imposed for early withdrawal after the initial 10 calendar day grace period. Fees may reduce earnings. The daily balance method is used to calculate the interest on the account. Forcht Bank reserves the right to end the promotional rate at any time without notice. Member FDIC.


Home Equity Line of Credit

*Effective as of 12/19/2024

90 Day Intro Rate APRVariable Rate After Intro PeriodLine of Credit AmountMaximum TermEstimated Monthly Payment (Interest Only - Balloon Payment Will Result)Estimated Balloon Payment At End of Term
Line of Credit*4.99%*8.00%$100,00010 Years$679.46$98,345.04
4.99% Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is introductory and valid for the first 90 days months from the date of closing on new Home Equity Lines of Credit (HELOC) only. After 90 days, rates vary monthly and are based on the Wall Street Journal Prime Rate (the index) minus 50 basis points discount. As of November, 2024, the index is 8.50%. The rate will never exceed 19% APR or be below 6.50%. Displayed loan assumption after the introductory period ends is based upon the current index minus 0.50%, first mortgage on a single family primary residence, loan to value (LTV) of 75% and assuming borrower has excellent credit (considered to be a credit score of 720 or higher). Actual rates may vary based on collateral type, LTV, borrower’s creditworthiness, and other factors. Choosing an interest only repayment may result in a balloon payment at the end of your term. Property insurance required. Flood insurance may also be required. A $50 annual fee will be assessed. A $450 processing fee applies, unless originated with a Forcht Bank mortgage or mortgage refinance within 6 months of origination date. 


*Effective as of 12/19/2024

TypeRateAPRMaximum TermEstimated Monthly Payment
New6.50%7.509%60 months$200.42
Up to 5 Years Old6.75%7.994%48 months$244.10
Older than 5 years6.99%8.62%36 months$316.23
Closed-end vehicle loan. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) applies with a maximum LTV of 100% for used vehicles, 95% LTV for new vehicles, and a minimum credit score of 700. All loans are subject to credit and collateral approval. All APR's and estimated monthly payments are based on a $10,000 loan amount and maximum maturity listed.

*Rates subject to change. Your actual rate and APR may differ from chart data.

Boats & RVs

*Effective as of 12/19/2024

TypeRateAPRMaximum TermEstimated Monthly Payment
New & Used9.99%11.237%48 months$259.61
Closed-end loan. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) applies with a minimum credit score of 700. The maximum LTV for the rate will vary depending on the type of collateral securing the loan, please contact us for details. All loans are subject to credit and collateral approval. All APR's and estimated monthly payments are based on a $10,000 loan amount and maximum maturity listed.

*Rates subject to change. Your actual rate and APR may differ from chart data.

Personal Loans

*Effective as of 12/19/2024

TypeRateAPRMaximum TermEstimated Monthly Payment
Personal Loan10.99%13.543%36 months$169.78
Subject to credit approval. Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for the interest rate of 9.99% is based on a $5,000 loan and maximum maturity.

*Rates subject to change. Your actual rate and APR may differ from chart data.

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